Complex Division of Assets
The process of dissolving a marriage carries many challenges. When a divorce involves the division of significant or complex assets, the potential for conflict increases, as does the prospect of increased legal costs.
The division of property in a divorce is always overlaid with emotional issues. Emotion can make it difficult to be objective about the division of assets. Lack of clarity about the worth of complex assets can lead to mistrust and fuel emotional fires. Together, these issues can spiral, turning what began as an amicable divorce into contentious litigation in which everyone suffers and nobody wins.
Salt Lake City Attorneys for Divorces With Complex Division of Assets
At BartonWood, we understand the forces at work in a divorce involving significant assets, and we work with our clients to make sure they receive the property to which they’re entitled while minimizing unnecessary conflict and cost. Our clients include professionals such as doctors and attorneys, entrepreneurs, high-income salespeople, business owners, executives, media personalities, and their spouses.
Our attorneys work with clients from the beginning of the divorce process through resolution, intimately involved in every step of the way, never leaving important details to associates who might be less familiar with the case. We offer clients the benefit of our knowledge of Utah law and courts, giving them candid advice about the likely outcomes of various options. Our attorneys understand and respect the emotion involved in divorce, but keep it from derailing the rational decision-making process.
Of course, in order to make rational decisions, it’s critical to have complete information on which to base them. BartonWood conducts a thorough discovery gathering and analysis process to understand the nature of the assets involved in each divorce and advise clients as to their rights. The firm works with outside professionals and valuation experts as needed to gain the complete financial picture of a marriage.
BartonWood assists clients who have significant marital assets with issues including:
- Complex business valuations
- Division of assets including professional practices and closely-held businesses
- Division of real estate, including the marital home, rental property, and vacation property
- Alimony and child support
- Division of retirement assets
- Identification of certain assets as marital or separate
We firmly believe that when clients have the information, legal advice, and support they need to evaluate options, they are better able to make successful choices for themselves and their families, and our attorneys are better able to advocate for them.
Guidance and Support for Complex Utah Property Division
Utah is an “equitable division” state, which means that marital property is to be divided in divorce in a way that is equitable, or fair. The Salt Lake City divorce attorneys of BartonWood, are committed to achieving that fairness, and financial security, for our clients and their children in even the most complex financial situations. We welcome you to contact us for more information regarding our services.